Hi there!
Ben Black
Doctoral Researcher
I’m Ben, a PhD student currently working within the ValPar.CH project as part of the research group Planning of Landscape Urban Systems (PLUS) at ETH Zürich.
I’m a BIG fan of R stats for everything research related particularly for promoting open science and reproducibility. I started this site/blog to share some of my work that doesn’t necessarily make it into publications in the hope that others will find it useful. Thanks for stopping by!Experience
Student Affairs Manager, 2018
The School for Field Studies Center for Conservation and Development Studies in the Lower Mekong
Project Manager 2015 - 2017
Elephant Livelihood Initiatives and Environment (E.L.I.E)
PhD in Planning of Landscape and Urban Systems, 2020 - Present
ETH Zürich
MSc in Environmental Sciences, Policy and Management, 2020
Central European University, University of Manchester, Lund University, University of the Aegean
BSc with 1st Class Honours in Biological Sciences, 2014
Edinburgh Napier University