New research project: NASCENT-Peru

Future landscape scenarios
Ecosystem Services

November 30, 2023

I am excited to be able to introduce a new research project that I will be working on for the next two years: NASCENT-Peru.

The name of the project took some consideration and comes from the acronym: NAture-positive SCenarios for ENvironmental Transitions in Peru. Of course, also drawing upon the definition of nascent in terms of something begin to grow or change.

This is the first project for which I wrote the proposal and it was funded through the Biodiversity and Ecosystem services scenario modelling challenge put together by SwissRE. I will work on this project until 2025, continuing in the chair of Planning of Landscape and Urban Systems under Prof. Dr. Adrienne Gret-Regamy at ETH Zurich.

We have already put together a multi-lingual website for the project where we hope to communicate the process and results of the research to a more diverse audience than just through journal articles. To this end we have also created LinkedIn and Facebook pages to help spread the word so please follow them if you use these platforms!